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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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I enjoy using my thermos cup cause it means i can enjoy coffee on the go, plus it keeps it warm. Even if i had enough coffee or cant take my drink into a certain place, i can put the lid on and put it in my bag for later. I clearly forgot that people buy them to look cool, shit!


i struggle to find a place that does good coffee tbh i always go for the freshly brewed filter coffee in starbucks, can't be arsed wi any of them mocca, maciato stuff. their filter coffee its better that many other places that sell coffee

25 off the price of your drink at starbucks. so i get a £1.70 grande filter for £1.45

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When people have dick-swinging contests over things that really are not worth boasting about and actually pretty pathetic.

Things can include:

How much drink/drugs one can consume - ('I took ten pills, two bottles of Jack and a bacardi breezer one night' ... 'Oh yeah? well I had 300 pills, 12000 marijuanas and drank my weight in lighter fluid... and still made it to work the next day')

Knowing people - ('Bob is a good friend of mine, he can get us into the gig for free'... 'Oh yeah? Well I've been sucked off by every single member of the Spice Girls and in return for the gift of my cock they said I could get backstage passes for every gig in the history of music')

How 'hard' one is - ('He looked like he was about to headbutt me so I lamped him. Knocked him out.' ... 'Oh yeah? Well I was once started on by a gang of ninjas with chainsaws. Didn't want to hurt them too much coz I was already on parole for making that grizzly bear cry so I just vulcan neck-pinched them all. Punch my stomach, see how solid it is... go on'

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Starbucks is cheap shite in all honesty, you're just paying for the brand, Cafe Nero is the best quality of roast for a big franchise. They use more expensive beans in their mix.

Nero is bloody expensive though! My pet hate about Nero is the syrups they use. My gf got a mocha from there once and it was really bad, far too much syrup put in by the staff and it didn't taste good either. At least our mocha has proper chocolate sauce in it and taste much better (totally biased review though... the coffee shop I work in is the only one I regularly drink in..... and only because I don't have to pay for the coffee :p)

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Nero is bloody expensive though! My pet hate about Nero is the syrups they use. My gf got a mocha from there once and it was really bad, far too much syrup put in by the staff and it didn't taste good either. At least our mocha has proper chocolate sauce in it and taste much better (totally biased review though... the coffee shop I work in is the only one I regularly drink in..... and only because I don't have to pay for the coffee :p)

I wish I had a girlfriend.

Or coffee.

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Nero is bloody expensive though! My pet hate about Nero is the syrups they use. My gf got a mocha from there once and it was really bad, far too much syrup put in by the staff and it didn't taste good either. At least our mocha has proper chocolate sauce in it and taste much better (totally biased review though... the coffee shop I work in is the only one I regularly drink in..... and only because I don't have to pay for the coffee :p)

Why the fuck would you use chocolate sauce to make a mocha? A mocha is basically a chocolate cappuccino, so it should be frothed hot chocolate - with powder. None of this syrup shite. Syrup portions are bad in the coffee industry like, some folk think that because you can't taste it in the first sip as it's settled then you need to use heaps :( I hate all this "make a little chocolate paste and add hot milk", get the steam arm dirty, it's totally worth it.

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