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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Och he was rattling on about how he has no idea how anyone can drink instant coffee. He also called me 'a common idiot who has no idea about real coffee', because I said I like nescafe gold. His job is apparently very important as it provides comfort to peoples lives.

And yes, you can be exempt from the hate. for now.

Cripes, do you make a point of telling chefs that you like microwaveable lasagne too? The barista in question does sound a bit high and mighty, but you, but I probably wouldn't be all that nice to you If I had to explain what benefit my job had towards society.

Out of interest, which coffee shop?

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It wasn't in a coffee shop, so I have no idea. It was in tesco in Banff, I was in buying coffee for work. He was behind me in line. He told me he had no idea how anyone can drink instant coffee. I replied with 'I like Nescafe gold'. He then called me a 'common idiot who had no idea about real coffee.' To avoid an arguement I said that I didn't really care that much about coffee. Then I was bombarded with how important coffee is and how his job is really important and tough going as it provides comfort to people lives.

Look, I probably worded my first rant wrongly as I was angry and pissed off after my conversation with this guy. I don't judge people for what they do for living and it wasn't an attack on baristas in general. Just smug ones who have their head up their arse. I never compared the quality of proper coffee to my granny's coffee. Bless her she tries, but she can't knock out latte's like Kilau or Books n Beans.

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A mocha is variant of a latte. I would be shot to pieces in an audit if it had as much foam as a cappucino. I need to go to your place and try a mocha then. I've never seen any place do it that way even though it is the 'proper' italian way. Chocolate sauce is a HUGE upgrade over syrups though. We physically couldn't do that in our shops though, hot chocolate is not made on the steam arm. It's a struggle enough to do things to company standards as it is. Customer is supposed to be served in 60 seconds, yet we are also supposed to weigh cappucinos to see if they are to standard (ie too heavy = not enough foam, too light = too much foam). I'm so glad I don't work in a big chain where they have 1 person on each section though. At least when I get an order I make it myself then charge the customer, no faffing around with orders getting queued/delayed and messed up as has happened many times when I have ordered drinks from a big chain.

Actual pet hate = the coffee audits we have to do. Our cappucinos are supposed to be weighed in a 20g window. That's a tiny amount of fluid. Less than a tablespoon. Even the shop ran by the woman who trains 'senior baristas' failed the last audit! The guy who is responsible for coffee standards in our company is an Italian who won the European Barista of the Year thing before. He knows his stuff and his improved our coffee blend so much since he started, but the standards he expects from staff are beyond the capabilites of most robots :p

How has he improved your blend, or do you mean your grind? I've worked with people who have competed in the barista competitions, and I've never heard anything to say that a cappuccino that is mostly foam is anything other than substandard. Must have just been my training. Are you at Kilau?

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Nah not at Mojo anymore, so I can't guarantee the quality of the drinks served - customers specifically asked for me to make their coffees, as I was the only one who really knew what I was doing. I've since left after the owner thought it was acceptable to rub my shoulders whilst I served customers, or tell me I "looked good" that day. Apparently I need to learn to take a compliment.

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Nah not at Mojo anymore, so I can't guarantee the quality of the drinks served - customers specifically asked for me to make their coffees, as I was the only one who really knew what I was doing. I've since left after the owner thought it was acceptable to rub my shoulders whilst I served customers, or tell me I "looked good" that day. Apparently I need to learn to take a compliment.

Jake, take heed.

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Nah not at Mojo anymore, so I can't guarantee the quality of the drinks served - customers specifically asked for me to make their coffees, as I was the only one who really knew what I was doing. I've since left after the owner thought it was acceptable to rub my shoulders whilst I served customers, or tell me I "looked good" that day. Apparently I need to learn to take a compliment.

Pet Hate: When women don't accept compliments when I'm being creepy and rubbing their shoulders.


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Fucking deadlines and the fact that the employment laws in the US are such that I can't bitch and moan about having to work 20+ hours a day for the past two weeks otherwise I can just be out on my arse.

It literally says in my contract that the company can give me the boot for no reason. Not that I'm gonna get the boot, just that if I was to throw a hissy fit I could.

Capitalism sucks

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Yeah but you can sue them if you walk into a door or something because you're exhausted from your 20 hour working day...


Very good point.

I remember last winter I was amazed how many people were out clearing snow/ice from their doorsteps. I just thought they were neat and tidy people untill someone said 'It's coz they don't wanna get sued'


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Something someone said about something or other a few posts up has reminded me that I hate it when the word "common" is used as a put-down. Sounds like something a snooty hipster would say, as if they are some idiosyncratic renegade, rewriting the rules of how to live life. If these posers have got life so sussed, then why are they such a cunt?

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Something someone said about something or other a few posts up has reminded me that I hate it when the word "common" is used as a put-down. Sounds like something a snooty hipster would say, as if they are some idiosyncratic renegade, rewriting the rules of how to live life. If these posers have got life so sussed, then why are they such a cunt?

Common as cunts, so they are!


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It wasn't in a coffee shop, so I have no idea. It was in tesco in Banff, I was in buying coffee for work. He was behind me in line. He told me he had no idea how anyone can drink instant coffee. I replied with 'I like Nescafe gold'. He then called me a 'common idiot who had no idea about real coffee.' To avoid an arguement I said that I didn't really care that much about coffee. Then I was bombarded with how important coffee is and how his job is really important and tough going as it provides comfort to people lives.

Look, I probably worded my first rant wrongly as I was angry and pissed off after my conversation with this guy. I don't judge people for what they do for living and it wasn't an attack on baristas in general. Just smug ones who have their head up their arse. I never compared the quality of proper coffee to my granny's coffee. Bless her she tries, but she can't knock out latte's like Kilau or Books n Beans.

That guy sounds like a prime cunt. Pet Hate realised.

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