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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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If you weren't so intensely annoying it wouldn't bother people. Your distinctly overly childish "look at me" attempts at bringing the focus to you in every thread is just wearing everyone down, even the most patient of us. I enjoy the odd jobbie joke every now and then like the rest of folks on here (i'm assuming). I can't, however, stand the constant barrage or memes, crappy in-band-joke banter and the near constant attempts to break up and derail threads.

Fun, yes. Being the aberdeen music equivalent of a 5 year old behaving like a coked-up gibbon, no.



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If you weren't so intensely annoying it wouldn't bother people. Your distinctly overly childish "look at me" attempts at bringing the focus to you in every thread is just wearing everyone down, even the most patient of us. I enjoy the odd jobbie joke every now and then like the rest of folks on here (i'm assuming). I can't, however, stand the constant barrage or memes, crappy in-band-joke banter and the near constant attempts to break up and derail threads.

Fun, yes. Being the aberdeen music equivalent of a 5 year old behaving like a coked-up gibbon, no.

To be honest, I never make a thread about me, if someone else makes it about me, like davidm did, then sure, I might chime in. But more often than not I don't start it. I was quote obviously making a joke about talking about shit there, to take the piss. In fact, the last time a thread got derailed it was either weekend (which Chris - a mod, joined in on) or Soda Jerk's punk band one, in which I stood up for fret wanky bassists after Stroopy said something. Not trying to pass the blame, just making it clear that it isn't always me. The only difference is a rarely argue back, which was Dubya's downfall for a long time. I just see that you're taking the piss and push it to the point where you don't want to bring it up again. It works for the most part.

Pet hate: sticking up for someone in the UTG thread only for them to break your heart in to a million tiny pieces.


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The new site layout has a Wall feature, you could spam abuse at him there a la facebook.

For the most part, I don't mind Jake's contributions. Derailing the Pet Hates or Ace-ic thread doesn't matter a fuck IMHO and that Punk Debate thread he started has been good, along with his contributions in the dubstep thread.


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To be honest, I never make a thread about me, if someone else makes it about me, like davidm did, then sure, I might chime in. But more often than not I don't start it. I was quote obviously making a joke about talking about shit there, to take the piss. In fact, the last time a thread got derailed it was either weekend (which Chris - a mod, joined in on) or Soda Jerk's punk band one, in which I stood up for fret wanky bassists after Stroopy said something. Not trying to pass the blame, just making it clear that it isn't always me. The only difference is a rarely argue back, which was Dubya's downfall for a long time. I just see that you're taking the piss and push it to the point where you don't want to bring it up again. It works for the most part.

Pet hate: sticking up for someone in the UTG thread only for them to break your heart in to a million tiny pieces.


You make me feel like a disappointed Father.

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I just ignore his posts. Its really no big deal.

I don't like ignoring people's posts because they might occasionally come up with something great.

I'm sure Jake is a nice guy in person, i have never met the guy in all honesty so i'll take you guys word for it. It wasn't until i met Dubya that i realised he was actually a decent guy and not an annoying school kid, but that was a process of having to put his posts on here to the back of my mind whilst i was speaking to him.

I'm sure other people have a similar dislike of things i say and do on here but i'd like to think i'm not maybe as "in your face".

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It wasn't until i met Dubya that i realised he was actually a decent guy and not an annoying school kid.

Sure it was THE Dubya?

Jokes, John's a good guy. We shared a hotel room.

Pet Hate: The guy in work didn't make me a tea this morning. Okay, fair enough, don't be a lazy shite Jake. But then the admin manager comes through and thanks him for hers. I was like eh? No idea why he didn't even offer. Normally he does. And if he doesn't have one I'll offer him if I'm making. Just pure cuntyness there.

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Not hot enough to snub me. Doesn't even make sense. It's a small office. He would have been making brews for me, her and himself, as the boss already had one. It's not as if he saw I had a cup and assumed I had a drink. My desk was clear!

Luckily the accountant came to the rescue about half an hour ago. Far too milky though.

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