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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Looks tasty, but we need to get an oven before I can even attempt that.

Hmm. Borrow a friend's oven? Say you're going to introduce them to proper food and cook two pies.

Or if you have a hob you could do a steamed steak and kidney pudding maybe. It's not quite a pie, but it's close.

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I work in an environment of huge egos, where people think days off are a sign of weakness or show that they are, in some way, unimportant. A lot of the contractors at my work don't get paid for days off, but they are on day rates of ~£400-£800, which is "to much money to forego by not going to work." If I earned that much money, my attitude would be completely different. I'd think, "look at how much money I earn! I'm only going to work some of the time!"

I'm staff, and I get a very generous paid holiday entitlement. I recently booked time off work in March, and the guy that sits next to me couldn't believe I was taking time off so close to Christmas! It's the middle of March, for Christ's sake, and I'm taking a long weekend! Aye, these guys take fuck all time off, but I don't care. I take all my holidays and laugh in the face of their disbelief.

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Fasting? What the fuck for?

Weight loss. Living on raw fruit and veg juice for a week, because I'm obviously far too happy and need to take one of the best things about life away from myself. If I stopped wanking I'd kill myself and everyone around me before the end of the week.

A lot of the contractors at my work don't get paid for days off, but they are on day rates of ~£400-£800, which is "to much money to forego by not going to work." If I earned that much money, my attitude would be completely different. I'd think, "look at how much money I earn! I'm only going to work some of the time!"

QFT. Fucking baffling mindset. Less than a week at work will earn the top earners my monthly salary but they refuse to take a few days off over the year because they claim they can't afford it?!

I understand that the more you earn the more you become dependant on the income, but I'd sincerely hope that raking in something in the area of £8,000 a month before tax would never become what I needed to get by!


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Guest davetherave

At the risk of sounding like Clarkson, why are there so many Pedestrian crossings on every road exiting a roundabout? What bright spark in the council planning department thinks its a good idea to stick a crossing on the exit of a roundabout? Just as you put yer foot on the gas to get off the rbout, you have to hit the brakes again because some bloody pedestrian has pushed the button! And dont get me started on bus lanes that only run for a few hundred yards, or cyclists that sit in the middle of the road when theres a perfectly good pavement they could use, or drivers that dont indicate where they are going, grrrrr, its been one of those days :mad:

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