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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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I liked them up until OK Computer, which is one of my favourite albums of all time. For me they've gone downhill since then though, too weird and experimental.

I'm not sure if this post is supposed to be a joke or not....

And what does angular mean in regards to music? I know music journos liked to use the term to describe those guitar bands popular circa 2005 but really I have no idea. So now it's going to be a pet hate of mine.

And just to annoy Nef, Radiohead are my favourite group and Kid A is my favourite album EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

And what is flying wok? something like this http://www.woktowalk.com/ I love these places.

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I'm not sure if this post is supposed to be a joke or not....

And what does angular mean in regards to music? I know music journos liked to use the term to describe those guitar bands popular circa 2005 but really I have no idea. So now it's going to be a pet hate of mine.

And just to annoy Nef, Radiohead are my favourite group and Kid A is my favourite album EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

And what is flying wok? something like this http://www.woktowalk.com/ I love these places.

Oh, I just meant it their song/riff structures seem to have moments that are unpleasant to listen to/jarring just for the sake of it, that doesn't quite fit with the music, just for the sake of being weird. Doesn't really prompt a great deal of emotion or appreciation from me, I guess. I don't really read enough music journalism to know what they mean by it.

Also, you're a fucking DICKHEAD!

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Aye, I think "angular" is journo-talk for "sounds like The Strokes".

I was actually listening to Kid A last night for no particularly good reason and yeah, it's not the most involving album, but it's decent enough background music. "Idioteque" is smashing, the rest of the album is bland.

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NME have hated on them loads but still talk about them lots because they've got a big fan base and will increase sales / site hits.

If you want real idol worship, read the pitchfork review of Kid A. It's bloody hilarious.


I can't believe that writer is not embarrassed by that now.......

.....although he got the score right ;)

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NME have hated on them loads but still talk about them lots because they've got a big fan base and will increase sales / site hits.

If you want real idol worship, read the pitchfork review of Kid A. It's bloody hilarious.


I can't believe that writer is not embarrassed by that now.......

.....although he got the score right ;)

I can see Jake writing a similar review for Start Today :p

I fucking love Radiohead. Kid A is fucking ace. End of.

Pet hate - Oyster catchers. We've got a couple of the big beaked bastards nesting in the front of the showroom. They shite all over the two main doors to the building and constantly make a racket. Cunts.

I also hate the folk that come into the showroom and say 'Have you seen you've got a bird nest outside?'.

OF COURSE I FUCKING HAVE! My office window is clarted in bird shit and every two seconds I hear them chirping. On top of that for the past 2 weeks I've had to wash shit off the front steps every fucking morning.

To top it off it's a fucking ace day outside and I'm trapped indoors in a office. If I open my window it sounds like a Bill Odie wet dream with all the birds floating about. Holy shit I'm in a bad mood.

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