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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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When i moved into my flat 2 years ago i ordered a BT vision box and at that time i was buying gringo from California which they sent over in boxes, came home from lunch to find my BT box and my box of weed sitting in the hallway infront of my door, with the card signed by the postie, thank god i live in a block of flats full of honest old people, otherwise someone would have thought xmas had come early for them. Couldnt really phone up royal mail and complain they left my £300 box of weed sitting without me signing for itt tho.

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Why do people need to go to the gym anyway, why not just go for a job, or long walks or anything like that, why pay money each month to do something you can do anywhere?

To compare muscle and dick sizes. And to oggle the effect of gravity on females whilst they run up a digital mountain on a cross trainer. Probably.

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Milner, you were buying weed through the post from the US?!

I was indeed, was fantastic, 2 ounces of proper medicinally grown green for a mere £350. They even used to send it before you paid and after they received confirmation it had arrived they billed you! Sadly the woman had a stroke and they stopped it all. For about 18 months it was brilliant tho, only ever lost 2 packages through customs, and never once got any kinda trouble from it.

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