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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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That smacked up chav on his bike who roams up and down King Street/Union Street most days. Just seen him cross diagonally across the big cross junction where the Lemon Tree is whilst cars were still pinging across, without even having a glance to see if it was clear - which it certainly wasn't. One of those little Shire buses had to swing right around him, and a bunch of cars slammed on the brakes. It was almost a pile up. And he just trotted on as if nothing was wrong whilst chatting to his equally scummy mate. Seems a bit of a shame to risk getting your car done in by the car behind, slamming on your brakes to spare the life of that scumbag. Should have just plowed right through the lad.

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That smacked up chav on his bike who roams up and down King Street/Union Street most days. Just seen him cross diagonally across the big cross junction where the Lemon Tree is whilst cars were still pinging across, without even having a glance to see if it was clear - which it certainly wasn't. One of those little Shire buses had to swing right around him, and a bunch of cars slammed on the brakes. It was almost a pile up. And he just trotted on as if nothing was wrong whilst chatting to his equally scummy mate. Seems a bit of a shame to risk getting your car done in by the car behind, slamming on your brakes to spare the life of that scumbag. Should have just plowed right through the lad.

I love hearing about bike cunt

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He laughs at danger. He fears nothing or no one. Everytime he crosses a road, he's just right into traffic, and he never gets mowed down. The guy is like a walking Final Destination. He keeps cheating death, and the death gets passed on to someone else, and they get iced instead. He's due a killing. A properly brutal brains-on-the-road type death, with this spinal column coming out through his eyesocket and shit.

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I've been doing if for about a year now.

If you get community service from the court you have to go to the place that day to "register" if you are willing you can start straight away that day if there are spaces.

Other than that each case is independent really depending on how many hours they got if they have a job or not, how strict their CSO is

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