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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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My snake laid a shit load of unfertilised eggs. Then it was time for more eggs to come and it got clogged up and it's arse ended up paralysed, it wouldn't eat and it was a tempermental little fuck. Ended up getting put down 'cause all the baths and massages in the world wouldn't get these eggs out. And I wasn't paying a vet bill for her to get operated on.

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Rats get a bad rep because of wild rats, tame ones are one of the cleanest animals you can get, and are great fun to play with and to watch, feeding time was chaos, you would put a big bowl of food out for them and they would each take some into their own spot, then spend an hour stealing from each other but never gaining any food!! In my flat at the time i had the rats, i had 2 gerbils a hamster, tropical fish and ciaran had a pair of canaries, our flat sounded like a jungle sometimes.

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My snake laid a shit load of unfertilised eggs. Then it was time for more eggs to come and it got clogged up and it's arse ended up paralysed, it wouldn't eat and it was a tempermental little fuck. Ended up getting put down 'cause all the baths and massages in the world wouldn't get these eggs out. And I wasn't paying a vet bill for her to get operated on.

People like you shouldn't be allowed to keep animials

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There are rescue places etc that people go out their way to help animals in situations like yours.

I'm sorry but I find what you said completely DISTURBING

I wasn't attached to it. I was thinking of selling it anyway before it got ill. I couldn't afford to spend shit loads on an animal I never even saw (it stayed at home when I left). So we got it put down.
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To be fair to jake the vets told me to put down the rats rather than go through costly surgery that may or may not have worked, unfortunately sometimes the cost of these operations is more than you can pay. I dont see it as cruel as long as the animal is put down in the most humane way possible, at the end of the day in the wild the snake would have died, and most likely suffered more in the same situation, same with my rats, they were put down before they became too weak to eat or move and just waste away.

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My dog went through 3 very expensive operations and treatments 'cause he kept swallowing stuff he couldn't suggest (see: golf ball; and 2 raw, full tatties). Then he got arse cancer and the vet said if we get the tumor taken out he'll have trouble sitting 'cause it'll be sore and he'll most likely not be able to control his sphincter. We got him put down. We couldn't afford another operation and his life would have sucked even if we could.

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your snake probably retained eggs due to insufficient care and temperatures, seeing as you said you were not that attached to him, also with the dog eating things a careful owner would have got a muzzle or something after the first instance of swallowing large objects no?

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we were bathing her and massaging like fuck. wasting mice that weren't being eaten. my dad got bitten loads. we went for advice and the guy took her off our hands. the op would have cost about 250 and would have only taken out the clogged up eggs. meaning it might have happened all over again next season.

We got her put down. Simple. We couldn't' afford it this time and definitely couldn't' afford to go through it again. None of us were attached to it apart from my dad and even he saw it was the right thing to do.

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your snake probably retained eggs due to insufficient care and temperatures, seeing as you said you were not that attached to him, also with the dog eating things a careful owner would have got a muzzle or something after the first instance of swallowing large objects no?

Don't be a dick. We always took care of that snake. And when I left home my dad took care of it.

The dog was a lab. Which are carrying dogs. He would pick up more than one toy at once. One time he got unlucky and the toy at the back of his mouth was a golf ball. After that he wasn't allowed to play with golf balls.

The tattie could have been outside or he might have scoffed it when my mum's back was turned. Don't try and make me out to be a bad pet owner because we got a snake put down after it was ADVISED by someone who owns shit loads of reptiles and runs a fucking shop for them.

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well if we didn't take care of her properly it wasn't out of neglect. whenever the tinest thing happened we were straight on the phone to Diane from pets on the green. When that shut down and we lost her number we started going to the other guy who was always helpful with advise. We used to worry over her not eating for a week before finding out they can go months without food. she was well looked after. Just bad luck.

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I think you guys are taking Pet Hates a little literally.

Anyway my one for today is the fact that I haven't been able to play guitar for weeks due to a painful skin condition. Could just about cope when it was on my right thumb by using plectrums and thumbpicks but it's started up on my left index finger now and I can't do anything. Went to the driving range last night and that's ruined it as well. Now even typing on my keyboard at work is awkward.

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