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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Thankfully I don't get bad photosensitive migraines. Just a thumping headache and nausea, but it usually only lasts a day. This headache did start after a trigger (a massive slice of chocolate cake) which is why I suspected a migraine at first. But it's been a week. Have noticed that I can feel some sinus pressure and a bit of dizziness when I crouch down or tip my head over so it probably is a kind of sinus infection.

They used to cripple me for 2 days easily when i was younger before i got on top of the main reasons i was getting them, still cant eat too much chocolate and i cant touch any kinda tango drink without becoming very ill. I think there is a certain chemical in tango that sets me off. It def sounds like you have a sinus issue either that or an inner ear infection could be causing what your describing. Id take some sudafed and see how it goes.

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Guest Gladstone

Chris - were you one of the diet coke drinkers...? I used to drink diet coke quite a lot and was getting hooring bad headaches. I stopped drinking diet coke and the headaches went away a couple of days later and never came back.

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Chris - were you one of the diet coke drinkers...? I used to drink diet coke quite a lot and was getting hooring bad headaches. I stopped drinking diet coke and the headaches went away a couple of days later and never came back.

Yes but I don't drink much of it. That's not the problem here.

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Yeah possibly. It started out more like a migraine. I had sinusitis years ago and there are some similarities with how my head felt then. Might pick up some sinutab later on and see if that helps...

Using your finger, tap all across your head just above your eyebrows and do the same below your eyes at around the level of your cheekbone. If doing that is really sore, it is probably sinusitis in which case you need to go to your GP and you will probably be given an antibiotic called amoxicillin. The diagram below shows the rough surface marks you should aim for.


It is pretty rare for a migraine to last for more than 72 hours continously.

Btw did you ever find out if you were allergic to nickel or not?

John Hartson was diagnosed with a brain tumour after complaining about a week long headache. Whenever I get a headache spanning over a few days, that bit of knowledge sends me into a pathetic hypercondriac panic. It's usually because I've not had enough water though.

He had a metastatic tumour from his testicular cancer. Primary brain tumours are incredibly rare.

It is tempting to believe Hartson's instinct lasted just a few weeks or, at worst, months. He shakes his head. "I had a lump on my testicles for around four years and so I had this picture in my head. It was of me walking into a doctor's room, or a hospital, and them telling me exactly what I heard in Swansea. I foresaw it."

The real moral of the story is if you have a lump in your testicle go to a doctor and hopefully it can be caught before it does spread to your brain.

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Might it be coffee, Chris? Have you changed the type/strength of coffee you drink (if you drink it regularly)? That sometimes gives me headaches.

Black coffee is a trigger of mine but I don't drink it at all. Stopped drinking normal coffee in the office and swapped it for green tea recently. So the only coffee I drink now is the odd cappuccino/espresso or instant one at home.

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Btw did you ever find out if you were allergic to nickel or not?

No. But I haven't played guitar for 2 months (aside from a brief go on a bronze-steel strung acoustic) and the eczema is still there. Got some strong steroid cream from the doctor which had almost entirely cleared it up but notice today that another blister has formed on my index finger so I guess that's it back to square one. Going back to the doc's on Thursday about that and I'll mention the headache as well if it's STILL hanging around.

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Being relevant to the thread... my pet hate is people using your pots and pans and not looking after them. Person I have to live with on placement keeps using my pots and not washing them properly. Every time I go to use them they have burnt food in them (how the fuck do you manage that consistently anyway? I've not done that for years....) and are dirty around the outside. They were only cheap things from Tesco so not massively concerned about monetary loss, I just expect people to actually have a degree of respect and look after things that don't belong to them.

The funny thing is he was bitching about cheap pots and pans and how they are poor quality and don't last very long. The first time he used my ones I noticed he had been using a metal spoon to stir things and really badly scraped the non stick coating off the bottom. That's why your pots don't last. Can't believe I actually had to tell someone not to do that.

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I get headaches if I don't drink coffee / tea.

That is caffeine withdrawal headache ;)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine#Addiction.2C_tolerance_and_withdrawal

Dishes is one of my all time pet hates, having dirty dishes lying about just annoys the hell out of me, it takes minutes to clean one. Its one of the main reasons i have fallen out with some of my old flat mates.

Agreed. He does actually wash stuff, just very badly. He also never puts things back in cupboards, just leaves it sitting in the rack after it is dry.

Luckily 'bad flatmates' aren't normally a problem as I live with my gf who isn't a complete idiot and knows how to use and wash things properly. Just got to cope with it for the new couple of months.

My other pet hate with this accommodation is the fact it costs £1.50 to use the washing machine and £1.50 to use the dryer. In addition you need to provide the washing powder and fabric conditioner. My return bus journey last weekend from Inverness to Aberdeen cost me £2.50. It is actually cheaper for me to do a 200 mile round trip and wash my clothes in Aberdeen than it is here!

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Being relevant to the thread... my pet hate is people using your pots and pans and not looking after them. Person I have to live with on placement keeps using my pots and not washing them properly. Every time I go to use them they have burnt food in them (how the fuck do you manage that consistently anyway? I've not done that for years....) and are dirty around the outside. They were only cheap things from Tesco so not massively concerned about monetary loss, I just expect people to actually have a degree of respect and look after things that don't belong to them.

The funny thing is he was bitching about cheap pots and pans and how they are poor quality and don't last very long. The first time he used my ones I noticed he had been using a metal spoon to stir things and really badly scraped the non stick coating off the bottom. That's why your pots don't last. Can't believe I actually had to tell someone not to do that.


My old flatmate used to constantly burn pans and just leave them to 'soak'. A few days later I'd come through and my pans were fucked. He once left lasagne in a pan (fuck knows why it was in a pan!!!!!!!!!) and I ended up chucking it out as it had welded itself onto the bottom. I could understand if washing dishes was a tough job but it's really not. The sooner something is washed the easier it is cleaned!!

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My old flatmate used to constantly burn pans and just leave them to 'soak'. A few days later I'd come through and my pans were fucked. He once left lasagne in a pan (fuck knows why it was in a pan!!!!!!!!!) and I ended up chucking it out as it had welded itself onto the bottom. I could understand if washing dishes was a tough job but it's really not. The sooner something is washed the easier it is cleaned!!

Indeed. It is worse when they then compound the problem by getting one of the wire scrubbing pads and going ballistic with the thing. Even with burnt on food if you wash it in a timely manner, all you need is hot water, washing up powder and a sponge and gently rub it off.

Doesn't everyone get taught home ecomonics these days? How use and clean things properly should be mandatory. It is incredibly easy yet it is amazing how many people can't do it properly!

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Guest Gladstone

I remember watching some reality type programme years ago - probably where all this pish that's on TV nowadays stemmed from. There was this pretty boy who basically lived his life getting pissed and shagging women all the time. You know the type. He was fucking stupid. As stupid a person I've never met.

There was one part of the programme when someone asked him about cooking and he said he couldn't cook and had never cooked anything in his flat since he unsuccessfully tried to boil an egg. They were all like "how can you not know how to boil an egg" and his simply "nobody told me you couldn't boil an egg in the kettle".

He might have been speaking shit for the benefit of the cameras but I think he was genuinely that stupid.


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These kitchen stories are light compared to some of the stuff I encountered as a student. The mess my old flatmate was able to generate was frightening. Sometimes it was with ridiculous shit, like the hungry hungry hammers episode, but just in the normal course of making something simple to eat, the mess was frightening!

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