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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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If I didn't live with the missus, I''d probably pay extra for a one-bedder in future, than houseshare again. My previous flatmate was ok, but the whole set up was a bit odd. We didn't have a living room, because he just spent all his time in his bedroom to his American girlfriend on Skype, so I jut lived in my room too, to reduce the awkward small talk when we would use the kitchen at the same time. He didn't make a mess, but he used to use the same pan and same plate every day, and ate the same meal (fresh stuffed pasta and some pasta sauce. always). The worst bit was that he never washed his pan or plate. Just kept eating and cooking over the dried on sauce that it left behind. Weird. Weird and gross. Mostly gross.

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First flat I stayed in was through a friend. Everyone in the flat at the time was pretty cool then over time people moved out to buy their own place etc. and gradually each room was taken by someone else. Almost without exception every single person that took the other 3 rooms were the untidiest people I've ever met. By the time I was the one that had been there the longest I had inherited the biggest bedroom and barely left it. Content instead to sit on my wee couch in my room playing xbox. Any plates and cutlery I used were stored in that room so no-one else could use them. Otherwise they ended up dirty and on the living room floor amongst the bin bags and empty pizza boxes.

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They very often do - but you don't knwo someone until you share a flat with them and they're around you all the time. Someone who seems very presentable can easily be a total tink

Yeah exactly, all my previous flat mates have been pals before hand, but you dont know someone until you live with them, good friends and good people to live with tend to be different things.

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Haha beards are awesome, send me a photo ;)

I have my plates stored separately from my flatmates, because two seem to have a bad habit of storing them in their bedroom until we have no dishes at all left. Same with glasses and forks.

The wanker flatmate has moved out, so yaaaaay. He was the only one who would "soak" pans, or make a curry and leave the remnants in the pan for a few days before putting them into a tupperware box and washing the pan. It was rank. He also used to order those two for one pizzas, and keep one (in it's box) in his cupboard for a few days.

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Guest Gladstone

When I'm a bit bored at work, I sometimes have a few games of pool on www.funkypool.com A pet hate is when players start chatting to you in the chat room. I'm just wanting to have a few games and then get back to work. The guy I'm currently playing against I think wants to be my mate or something. Here's a copy and paste of his shit chat...

guest784 : mind not in game

guest784 : won any tournaments gladstone?

gladstone: I think I have. I haven't played in a tournament for ages though!

guest784 : I think you'd know if you had? Should be on your Funky Pool playing record?

gladstone: I only play on this sometimes at work! Play on miniclip sometimes and can't remember if it's there or here that I've won a tournament or two.

guest784 : okay i understand

guest784 : minclip never played that? Is it better than funky pool?

guest784 : just checking it out now

gladstone: It's easier

guest784 : gg ul

gladstone: I've won 2 tournaments on here apparently! 1 8 ball and 1 9 ball

guest784 : okay lol

guest784 : I should have a go at those touraments

guest784 : I won't be playing in miniclip as i play to much already

guest784 : shouldn't evern be on here

guest784 : complete waste of time really

guest784 : I should be reading, studying and educating myself

guest784 : only come on here because i have so much going on that I just need to unwind

guest784 : I find theraputic

guest784 : do you think I could win a tourament?

guest784 : I'm not even a memebr on here

gladstone: probably - I'm playing pretty crap today - I must have been playing better when I won!!

guest784 : we all have up and down days

guest784 : I might join one day

guest784 : can't be arsed at the moment

guest784 : good for you

guest784 : confidence back up and running

guest784 : takeaway tonight i think? really can't be bothered to cook

guest784 : Chinese

guest784 : Roast duck, plus sweet and sour chicken, 3 wandon soups and banana fritters, Mmmmm.

guest784 : I don't think thesse loses count towards your funky pool record do they?

gladstone: Na - it's "friendly" games

guest784 : o thats good

guest784 : it's all practice

guest784 : lol

guest784 : when your rolling your rolling

guest784 : lol

guest784 : I think of what to call myself if i do join? maybe, Bighead C u n t, or Thinks he's better than he really is, or Full of himself, lol

guest784 : has to be something to upset the oposition lol

guest784 : got to have a laugh

guest784 : don't want to take it all too seriously as there is always going to be someone better than me or you.

guest784 : just enjoy it for what it is, a game.

guest784 : could be the great come back

guest784 : 9-4 down back to 9-9

guest784 : the Jack Dempsey of the funky pool

Fucking hell.

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Why don't more people arrange to houseshare with their mates and whatnot, instead of strangers?

Agreed about not knowing what someones like to live with until you're in together. I'm hopefully moving in with my girlfriend this autumn but I've lived with friends before and I'd advise against it: once you can have a go or ask about bills (rent, utilities etc) or living conditions/sanitation, the friendship can get very tense and just turn to hate. Moved in with two mates, I was a bit of a knob, so were they, and our relationship improved tenfold once we moved out.

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I moved in with my ex after we had broke up, it was ok for about a year, then when the council tax went tits up I had to run around trying to sort it, even though it was in her name and i worked in echt 9-5, but she worked shifts in town, and got as far as I could without her being present.

It was a great flat on Thistle Street just up from Baskin Robbins' we had some great parties during summer, just started hating each other more and more towards the end.

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I think I ruined the wok. Burn some food to it then just left it. 2 days it's been sitting there. I'll need to do some dishes tonight, and buy a new wok. Fuck knows why I used it, we have a slightly deep frying pan. I was just being an artsy fartsy wanker.

Heat up the wok then throw some water in to deglaze it. That should make it easier to scrape off the burnt bits (don't use a metal utensil to do this if it's non-stick obviously). Otherwise just leave it to soak in warm soapy water for a few hours.

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