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Phil Kay's Justice Show

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There are only 40 tickets left for Phil Kay (whose presenting his Justice Show) on Thursday the 16th of April at Snafu. If you can't buy tickets online due to lack of credit purchasing facilities you can email me (Wendy Ivers) at comedycapers@talktalk.net with your name, number, email address and number of tickets requested and I'll get back in touch asap to let you know if I can meet your needs. Or alternatively you can give me a call on 01224492561

Phil is an enthralling, edge of the seat high wire act. Each show flirts with random genius taking in wild digressions & bizarre improvised songs.

His Justice Show reveals stories of his brushes with the law, brillo padding with customs officials, chamois leatherings with traffic wardens & feather dustings with night club bouncers in Barbados who said to Phil when he came out of the sea naked & tried to get in to the dancing, "You can't come in without shoes"

I'd love to see you there.

Muchos Wendy

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