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imp: Viking Moses + Golden Ghost + Debutant @ The Tunnels

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Debutant had good stuff going on, especially liked the first tune and a later one that got all nice and noisy.

Wasn't sure about Golden Ghost at first but when she got going she was pretty good, vocally reminded me at times of The Breeders circa Title TK, Mazzy Star and Regina Spektor. Bought her CD, been listening in the car, it's nae bad.

Viking Moses was a bit hit or miss, some songs sounded like he had just got fed up playing them so stopped, but I really liked his voice and his enthusiasm so bought his new CD as well. Leonard Cohen cover was good. He did look like he'd just taken time off from his cult leader duties though. Totally didn't realise it was him playing drums for Golden Ghost till he came back onstage again, looked nowt like the pics I'd seen.

All in all, good night, shame it was quiet but I guess the last Kitchen Cynics gig may have drawn a few folk who would have been at this. Would have liked to see Alan as well as it's been ages since I've seen him but this bill overall was more to my taste.

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Debutant had good stuff going on, especially liked the first tune and a later one that got all nice and noisy.

Wasn't sure about Golden Ghost at first but when she got going she was pretty good, vocally reminded me at times of The Breeders circa Title TK, Mazzy Star and Regina Spektor. Bought her CD, been listening in the car, it's nae bad.

Viking Moses was a bit hit or miss, some songs sounded like he had just got fed up playing them so stopped, but I really liked his voice and his enthusiasm so bought his new CD as well. Leonard Cohen cover was good. He did look like he'd just taken time off from his cult leader duties though. Totally didn't realise it was him playing drums for Golden Ghost till he came back onstage again, looked nowt like the pics I'd seen.

All in all, good night, shame it was quiet but I guess the last Kitchen Cynics gig may have drawn a few folk who would have been at this. Would have liked to see Alan as well as it's been ages since I've seen him but this bill overall was more to my taste.

All good points.

I enjoyed the evening very much. Total pleasure to have put Debutant on again before he departs, and it was probably the best I have seen Phil play.

I'm glad Alan played first at Drummonds as it meant a few folk drifted in for Viking Moses and prevented our evening becoming a bit of a washout.

Cheers to everyone who did come down. Brendon really appreciated the response he got.

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Guest idol_wild

Thanks for the nice comments. It was a privilege to play last night and thank you for offering me the slot. Golden Ghost and Viking Moses were both terrific and really lovely people. :up:

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