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Do Women get Men?


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I hit a woman once.

She slapped me in a bar (fucking hard I might add) for no reason other than she thought she'd get away with it.

Slapped her straight back (I was drunk, I can't say I'd be likely to do the same sober) and she stormed off.

Might be worth adding that I knew the girl, an ex of a friend, and that I'd never have punched her or hit her any more severely that the slap I gave her.

Blanket 'rules' on this shit just don't work.


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Furthermore: I think the argument that 'women are weak and men should protect them, not hit them' is fucking flawed and is as sexist as any other behavious mentioned so far ITT.

Friend of mine goes to MMA training and the women in the classes send him home black and blue and bleeding just about every week. It's just not as black and white as some people make it out to be and the fact is that old fashioned attitues are very sexist, including chivalry.


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I enjoy spoiling my girlfriend and being the 'man' though. That's the problem with this. Where does it stop? There's a line between blatant 'bad' sexism and 'good' sexism.

That's not sexism - that's liking someone and wanting to show it. Surely gender doesn't come into it - "being nice to people" doesn't seem like a gender specific trait to me.

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I enjoy spoiling my girlfriend and being the 'man' though. That's the problem with this. Where does it stop? There's a line between blatant 'bad' sexism and 'good' sexism.

I'm the same.. "don't worry sweetheart, it's my treat.." every time we eat out, all that shit. It's basically just pathetic egotistical crap. Big strong man wants to take care of his delicate little woman.

Fact is though I suppose, some women are delicate and fragile and want to be treated as such. The point to all this is that all these conventions have a time and a place and should be assessed on a person by person basis.


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That's not sexism - that's liking someone and wanting to show it. Surely gender doesn't come into it - "being nice to people" doesn't seem like a gender specific trait to me.

Yeah I see waht you mean, buying your mate a drink because you're feeling generous doesn't mean you're acting the big man, it could just be being nice and more often than not, it is. BUT, the convention that the man should always pay for his woman is what I mean is sexist.


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The point to all this is that all these conventions have a time and a place and should be assessed on a person by person basis.


Which is why after a certain conversation that took place between two people was assessed as such it was only deemed bad after a certain tv company decided to release the tape of said discussion.

Andy Gray's discussion was meant to be private. The situation was assessed and the lineswoman should have never known. And neither should we have.

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Which is why after a certain conversation that took place between two people was assessed as such it was only deemed bad after a certain tv company decided to release the tape of said discussion.

Andy Gray's discussion was meant to be private. The situation was assessed and the lineswoman should have never known. And neither should we have.

TV pundit Ron Atkinson sacked for racist remark | Media | The Guardian

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Unlucky. Mic's should have been switched off. Imagine how much of this is going on but the mics haven't been on so no one knows. No one's the wiser and everyone's happy.

My opinion on this whole thing is the same as two faced people - As long as they're nice/civil to my face, I don't give a heck what they say about me behind my back. Ignorance is bliss.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong. This is way out of line and it's right that he resigned.

But it's unlucky he got caught. As I'm sure many people don't get caught and get away with it. Which is why i said ignorance is bliss. Just incase I induced a shitstorm or something.

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I'm the exact same, i don't give two seconds for what people think as long as they are willing to be polite, i don't really see that as being two faced. It's the people are going out of there way to be a dick to someone who i think are the bastards.

My girlfriend often says "Why do you talk to so and so they're bastards to you behind your back"

And I tell her my reasoning and that there's not point holding grudges and she doesn't like that one bit. Ha.

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My girlfriend often says "Why do you talk to so and so they're bastards to you behind your back"

And I tell her my reasoning and that there's not point holding grudges and she doesn't like that one bit. Ha.

Yeah but women are fucking nuts and don't respond to logic at all though.

Something to do with the moon or something?


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Which is why after a certain conversation that took place between two people was assessed as such it was only deemed bad after a certain tv company decided to release the tape of said discussion.

Andy Gray's discussion was meant to be private. The situation was assessed and the lineswoman should have never known. And neither should we have.

The problem with the Greys/Keys thing Sky had and thus fired them is they did it in the workplace. You cannot act like that in any way in a professional environment.

I know earlier you said you enjoy a laugh with likeminded people in a work situation and yes it's fine for those invloved as long as no one is offended. However as a business Sky or any other company for that matter does not want to be associated with any of those opinions. To some people they are offensive and in the workplace you need to be totally professional.

Whether it should or should not have been recorded is another matter. It is simply unacceptable to talk like that in a professional environment.

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The problem with the Greys/Keys thing Sky had and thus fired them is they did it in the workplace. You cannot act like that in any way in a professional environment.

I know earlier you said you enjoy a laugh with likeminded people in a work situation and yes it's fine for those invloved as long as no one is offended. However as a business Sky or any other company for that matter does not want to be associated with any of those opinions. To some people they are offensive and in the workplace you need to be totally professional.

Whether it should or should not have been recorded is another matter. It is simply unacceptable to be caught talking like that in a professional environment.

Fixed. As during the Greys/Keys thing no one was offended until the video was leaked.

Which brings me back to a post just a page back - ignorance is bliss.

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Fixed. As during the Greys/Keys thing no one was offended until the video was leaked.

Which brings me back to a post just a page back - ignorance is bliss.

But the point is you can't speak like that at work in this day and age. It's the same as say someone working in a shop and they are overheard being rascist/sexist by a client. You just can't do it and if you do you run the risk of the company finding out and taking the only action they can to seperate themselves from the opinion.

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This is great. I thought this thread was going to die on it's arse after the opening comment.

I normally say the bad stuff in confidence that no one is videoing me though. And so did he. No one would have over heard either of us.

Yeah but you have to accept that it is at your own risk to say those things at work.

Of course he didn't know the cameras were on but once it's out there sky has no choice. He can't play the it's not his fault card he made the decision to say that at work and he has to accept the consequences if it is heard through any means (cameras, being overheard, phone off the hook etc).

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Like I've said before, sexism won't be eradicated until both men and women get it out their heads that it's a 'battle' of the sexes to be fought and won. There has to be an equal amount of respect on both sides and until that happens you're still going to get those idiotic columns in magazines where people write in with 'stupid' things they've heard men/women say.

An equal amount of respect whilst admitting that each sex group can be considered different?

Would you agree that by and large men and women do have some inherently different characteristics common with their sex? While personalities and interests can be similar between males and females, on a purely evolutionary basis we do have different roles to play which I think can shape the facets of our identities and that there are common female and male traits. There must be something other than the way society has shaped us that make it more likely that a woman would rather do a) than b) of a Saturday afternoon while a man would choose the opposite. I agree it shouldn't be a battle but are you saying that the sex of someone shouldn't even be an issue worth considering in terms of any aspect of society?

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Would you agree that by and large men and women do have some inherently different characteristics common with their sex?

Yes, and overlooking that is an inherent problem with debates regarding sexism and equality. Evolution dictates that men and women have differing priorities, but I also think that the differences within the sexes are more profound than the differences between them. I try to approach gender equality issues with both considerations in mind.

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I'm apparently old fashioned and a little sexist because when I take a girl out, I think I should pay for everything. Also, I pay for my girlfriend to get a taxi home rather than just let (not that I can force her either way but you get me) her walk back to hers from mine when it's late at night. It's a 90 minute walk and I don't think it's safe for her to be walking from Hazlehead to Hillhead at 3am by herself.

I'm not really sure in what way this is perceived as sexist. I am (genuinely!) trying to get what she's saying though, so any feedback? Not sure I understand some of the rules, or whatever you want to call it. Any decent blogs or stuff to help me understand pro-equality points of view, liberal feminists writings, stuff like that?

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I'm apparently old fashioned and a little sexist because when I take a girl out, I think I should pay for everything.

If you invite a girl out then I can see your thinking. But if a girl invited you wouldn't the opposite then be true?

Any decent blogs or stuff to help me understand pro-equality points of view, liberal feminists writings, stuff like that?

Feministing | Young Feminists Blogging, Organizing, Kicking Ass

or for an alternative view:

Men Are Better Than Women, by Dick Masterson

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