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2011/2012 Season Thread


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Man Utd have just bugged me this season. They've been playing mediocre football and are still up there for the title. They need a good old club crisis.

And, they've got Berbatov in purgatory. That man needs to play, he's sublime when he's playing well. Ship him out if you're not gonna do anything with him. The league is worse off if he's not involved.

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United have been like that for years, even the 3 years in a row when they won the title, the team was poor, but Ronaldo was good enough to make the team look good and paper the cracks. Also, Van Der Sar, Rio in his prime, Vidic, and Evra when he could defend was good enough to stop other teams beating them, but as a team, they were guff. No unity or cohesion. Just simply relieving Ronaldo of any defensive duties, clearing the ball and giving it to him to jink his way through, or dive over a defender and smash in the resulting free kick. Funnily enough, I think the only season I think they've played well as a team recently is the season Chelsea won the league by a point. Rooney was amazing that season, as was Valencia. They'd gotten rid of the most selfish player on the planet, and starting working as a unit. It was good football, but the only thing stopping them from winning the league was an even better Chelsea side who were laying everyone to waste.

They were shit last year, but so was everyone else. United were just less shit.

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I fucking love Patrice Evra. Fuck off Liverpool, shoving Evra about for celebrating infront of his own fans. Bin dipping cunts.

It was a bit "gary neville kissing his badge though".

In fairness Suarez should've shaken Evra's hand but i can understand why he wouldn't. They're both being paid stupid amounts of money to play football, not be mates. Get the game back to being a game is what i say. Fuck off with your politics and handbags at dawn. Play fucking FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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GNev did that infront of the Liverpool fans though, kissing the badge and thrusting and whatnot, which is why he was charged. Evra ran down the touchline and then cheered infront of the Stretford End. Surely it's only the same as Panstil doing a lap of honour around Craven Cottage everytime Fulham win, which is brilliant. Bit different if you're jeering the opposition fans under their noses. But he wasn't. Good lad I say. Fuck Liverpool. Dirty dirty Liverpool.

Gary Neville had it right in the studio though. Couldn't give a toss if opposing players don't get on. It's what derby games are about. Not being bezzy mates. Temper flaring, fiery football! FOOTBALL!

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GNev did that infront of the Liverpool fans though, kissing the badge and thrusting and whatnot, which is why he was charged. Evra ran down the touchline and then cheered infront of the Stretford End. Surely it's only the same as Panstil doing a lap of honour around Craven Cottage everytime Fulham win, which is brilliant. Bit different if you're jeering the opposition fans under their noses. But he wasn't. Good lad I say. Fuck Liverpool. Dirty dirty Liverpool.

Gary Neville had it right in the studio though. Couldn't give a toss if opposing players don't get on. It's what derby games are about. Not being bezzy mates. Temper flaring, fiery football! FOOTBALL!

He was jumping about in front of Suarez. Not particularly clever, but like i said he's a footballer and gets paid to be a footballer not a mastermind champion. FOOTBALL!!!

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If Suarez feels he wasn't being racist and has been victimized then he has every right to act out the way he is. The problem is it's one camp's word against another and it'll never get resolved. Football is shit at the moment. Good players are playing badly and off the field nonsense is taking up everyone's time. When was the last time journalists really raved about a player's performance or lauded tactics? it's getting really boring all this.

Great finish by rooney today for the first goal. As controlled a volley as there is.

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So Dalglish refused to go to the post match press conference. Probably because I'm build up to the game he said that Suarez would definitely shake Pats hand.

Has to be said that Dalglish is doing just as much if not more harm to Liverpools reputation as Suarez is especially with some of his ridiculous statements of late. Surely the American owners won't be happy about the ongoing fiasco, terrible PR.

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Kenny really needs to stamp out this sort of behaviour, not condone it and borderline encourage it. If he were to say in that conference something like "Suarez is out of order, I will be taking steps to ensure his discipline improves" then I would certainly respect him a lot more than I do now.

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