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Proud and Prejudice


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When I first started watching it I thought “hang on, maybe I was wrong about these EDL chaps” but that thought disappeared after 10 minutes of watching it. Extremist views are dangerous regardless of the religion they are based on, Luton would be a lot better off without either of the groups shown in the documentary in existence and kids shouldn’t be at protests where even a whiff of violence is likely. In my opinion the EDL, BNP, Muslims against Crusades etc can all fuck right off.

On a tangent, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any extremist rallies or the like in Aberdeen? Have there been any? The closest thing I know to an extremist was that guy who wore what looked like a celtic war outfit and hung outside the library with a sandwich board promoting Scottish independence. Even then I never heard him with a megaphone shouting at passers by.

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I haven't been aware of any 'extremist' activities up here, only the whole "independence FTW FUCK UK I'm SCOTTISH NAE ENGLISH MINNNNnnnnnnnnn" shite.

The Jerb Turking argument pisses me off most of all because the same ignorant fuckwits who complain about it are also complaining about immigrants coming to this country and not working!

I suppose if you're gonna have an imaginary grievance, having two that are mutually exclusive isn't that much more of a stretch.


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Lives in BOD now a days, he is deep into astronomy and the energy of the body, that and William Wallace, as i say a fine guy, if not a bit strange. Oh and he LOVES Guns and Roses. Quite often get talking to him walking from ASDA back to my flat, he is great at dealing with the mouthy kids that give him abuse as well. I dont remember him ever talking about time travel, but he is a great believer that we are who we are because of the energy we give out.

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