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new Noise Pollution mp3


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hey y'all....

did anyone go to see hells bells a few weeks back? if you did, we were the support act....and here's a live mp3 of our opening track of the night. it was a kickass gig, and the response we got from the crowd was absolutely breathtaking.

any feedback would be appreciated.

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Thanks a lot.

hells bells kicked ass aswell.

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just gaving it a listen just now

I like it. Bit typical sounding, but who cares? It fits supporting Hells Bells

I'm not really keen on the female vocals, and the backing vocals could be a little more powerful. But of course this was a live recording so it was probably due to that

It's pretty good though

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Guest Neubeatz

Plenty NRG in the track, good vibe from the rhythm section, vocals could be cleaner/louder, but thats difficult live, so nae bad, reminded me of Transvision Vamp in a way, :up:

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Very impressed, the vocals did sound a little weak but it was the opening song of a pretty big gig so I'm guessing that nerves had a lot to do with it. I'm particularly impressed with the drums and bass, very tight and punchy. I also liked the guitar solo, not overly wanky just for the sake of it but it really fit into the tune and it was obviously very well thought out as it worked really well over the bassline.

Well done !!! :D

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