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multitrack help


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i got a lovely mr-8 its really good at doing vocals, guitar and bass. but the only problem is that its only got one input, which is ok for doing; bass, vocals, guitar one at a time but im looking at recording a drum kit which is gonna use 6 microphone (6 inputs) so im looking at getting a mixing desk with 12 inputs in which i will adjust the volumes of each microphone and then play them through the output into the multitrack.

is this a good idea or is their anything else i can do?

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That'd work...I don't know why you'd need 12inputs if you only have 6 drum mics? The other option is to record drums on a multi tracker that can record more inputs at the same time then import it/play it into your machine once the levels have been set. You can import wav files onto and MR8?

Does mean you don't have control over individual drums/cymbols after its been mixed but that shouldnt be a prob. if you done it well in first place.

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