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Careless MacKenzie - Your stories

Guest JockeySnogger

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Guest JockeySnogger

Guy in my work just got off the phone to his girlfriend.

She left the silver foil on the butter and decided to put it in the microwave to melt for her toast. Not too bad really - Schoolboy error that everyone does

Worst part - To douse the flames she threw a cup of water in.........................

Has anyone here done near fatal things by acting with a bit of brainless brash action?

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Guest JockeySnogger

Cool we all look forward to them

well anyway I'll get the ball rolling with myself and friends

We were all in a garage fr some reaosn as it'd been newly converted into a room and we were planning to have a party. The car battery for my friends charge had been on for at least 3 days and as my friend blasted throught he door he reached for the car battery with a thivk length of wire. I'm not sure of the position of batteries to be honest but i do know that his two contacts were pretty accurate. i was left deaf for 3 days as was everyone else as the battery exploded and shot acid all over the room. needless to say the place was evacuated in terror.

When i was about 10 or so me and a friend in the depth of summer went for a bit of a picnic but my friend took some matches. starting with tiny controlled fire in on this parched bit of gorsche bush, the need for something bigger soon became evident. Within moments the bit of gorsche was ablaze and the flurry of kicks did nothing at all to surpress the flame....f anything, quite the oppoiste. About 4 minutes later the smoke and flame probably made a comination of 50 foot stacks of pollution and heat. Whoops

About 5 years ago at the local park we put a huge piece of wood through the roundabout and made it so that when the roundabout spun on the inside, the person on the outside had the touhgest time. Unfortunately someone wasnt looking and it hit her ankles, whacking her body and head off the ground. that idea lasted as long as the cries (about 15 minutes).

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When i was about 10 or so me and a friend in the depth of summer went for a bit of a picnic but my friend took some matches. starting with tiny controlled fire in on this parched bit of gorsche bush' date=' the need for something bigger soon became evident. Within moments the bit of gorsche was ablaze and the flurry of kicks did nothing at all to surpress the flame....f anything, quite the oppoiste. About 4 minutes later the smoke and flame probably made a comination of 50 foot stacks of pollution and heat. Whoops


Similar to a story I know about two chaps who did the same...when the flames got big one shouted "stamp it out" but the fact the flames were about 5ft high the other said "ehhh...no"...needless to say it spread...bye bye an acre or two of moorland in Findon...

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at uni a while ago(doing chemistry labs), i had a beaker full of thionyl chloride i didn't need and i couldn't be bothered going to find the proper waste disposal bottle.

i poured the lot in the sink at pretty much the same time i realised how the thionyl chloride would react with the water in the sink. i quickly left the lab before the clouds of sulphurous gas formed and got to see a bunch of people from the next door lab (where most of the gas drifted) come out into the corridor coughing like mad.

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